Sunday, April 7, 2024

508. Nutbush Campground Soft Opening


The soft opening of Nutbush Campground is being conducted by the current class of interns of Loveless Motel Internship Program.  Their graduation contingent on successfully completing a group challenge, they're tasked with venturing out onto the nearly complete Nutbush Campground and finding a tent site. They must scout out sites anywhere on the property, vast by any measure, and lay claim to the perfect spot. Several site styles have been constructed, including full hookup, partial hookup, and "rustic" sites which have absolutely no amenities, relying on a camper's skills to survive in the wild (or more likely what they will chose because it's all they can afford). Interns are scouting the "rustic" variety, hiking to a spot and pitching a tent, where-ever.  These gents decided on the rock pictured above, agreeing, to a man, that it would provide a nice solid floor and drainage in the event of rain.  Never fucking mind that you can't drive a stake into a rock.  
Upon reviewing the collective choice decided upon by the new men, Intern classroom training facilitator Uncle Joe expressed his concern to Jack Leyendecker, the Loveless talent scout. " What the fuck were you thinking, Jack? These guys are idiots! They want to pitch a tent on solid rock!" "Yeah, but their talent, man...they're all very talented!" Nic, the senior manager agrees. He can personally attest to each man's "talent", and has the pictures to prove it. He's instructed Uncle Joe, over whimpering objections and a pouty face, to assist the men in finding ground on a very slight slope offering drainage and on something you can easily pound. Both Intern graduation and the official Nutbush Campground Grand Opening are on schedule, as planned. Good luck, gentlemen!

Looking for a softer spot


A man with something to pound

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