About "Loveless Motel Parody"

Our first post (posted June 7,2023) is located here

Using gay vintage gay porn images to tell tall tales,  "Loveless Motel Parody" is a blog about a fictional 20th century gay resort, where men on vacation are assured by the management that they will have a good time and get what they came for. Vintage gay porn and other pics from the Twentieth Century (1900s through the 1990s) are captioned, telling tongue-in-cheek stories of fictional guests and employees of a notoriously cruisy sexual playground. Recurring characters and storylines unfold from post to post, and  21st century navigational aids including tags and sidebar links help you discover all the secrets of Loveless Motel Parody. My recommendation is that you start from the very first post.  
I do not own any images used. The vast majority if images are vintage, though I have taken a few liberties from time to time by digitally enhancing or changing an image to fit a story line, or have taken a newer image when an old one can't be found to fit a narrative. My purpose is pure prurient adult entertainment or a laugh, and not for monetary gain. Requests for removal of any content will be honored as soon as possible. Image sources can usually be found via search, and  I find Google Images particularly helpful in identifying sources. I welcome all constructive feedback, comments, and whatever reader-approval mechanisms are available on the site. I view my efforts as a self-indulgent retirement hobby, and no more.
There is a real Loveless Motel and Cafe' in Nashville, TN. I ran across the image the vintage deco era sign online one day, searching for images of vintage motel neon signs, and was intrigued by the irony of the name, and the sign's blue and pink coloration, and Loveless Motel Parody was born.  There is no resemblance of my characters or descriptions.  Any similarities are unintentional and purely coincidental.

This blog is also available to be viewed on AdonisMale  as "Loveless Motel Parody backup" with a slightly different look and feel.  AdonisMale is free, but you must have an account for age verification.

1 comment:

  1. this whole blog is such a cool idea!!!! I love how in depth you are with the Lore of loveless motel! keep up the good work!
